About us

First and foremost, AEON Life Insurance helps you protect the people & things you love most.

Blue Checkmark Your home - Blue Checkmark Your family’s financial stability

Blue Checkmark Your health - Blue Checkmark Your financial security

Blue Checkmark Your child’s college education - Blue Checkmark Your estate  

You’ve worked hard for all of this and it’s our passion to help you protect it—something we take very seriously. Buying insurance can seem intimidating, but our proven process takes the pain out of it, making what can often be a difficult decision easy.

In the time it takes you to gather quotes and coverage from one insurance carrier, we can provide unbiased plans and costs from some of the most trusted carriers on the market today. Whether you’re a first-time buyer, looking for a better rate, need additional coverage, or have concerns about an existing policy, we can provide transparent answers, price comparisons and an abundance of information and support. In fact, we often find people who have been turned down or quoted sky-high rates elsewhere affordable coverage.